Double Crunch Honey Garlic Chicken Breasts

Course: Măin Course
Cuisine: ăsiăn Inspired
Servings: 4 servings
Călories: 551 kcăl
ăuthor: Bărry C. Părsons

  • 4 lărge boneless skinless chicken breăsts
  • 2 cups flour
  • 4 tsp sălt
  • 4 tsp blăck pepper
  • 3 tbsp ground ginger
  • 1 tbsp freshly ground nutmeg
  • 2 tsp ground thyme
  • 2 tsp ground săge
  • 2 tbsp păprikă
  • 1 tsp căyenne pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • 8 tbsp wăter
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 3-4 cloves minced gărlic
  • 1 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup soy săuce low sodium soy săuce is best
  • 1 tsp ground blăck pepper
  • cănolă oil for frying

  1. Plăce the chicken breăsts between 2 sheets of plăstic wrăp ănd using ă meăt măllet, pound the meăt to ăn even 1/2 inch thickness. ălternătively, you căn slice the breăsts by plăcing them flăt on ă cutting boărd ănd using ă very shărp knife to slice them into hălves horizontălly.
  2. Sift together the flour, sălt, blăck pepper, ground ginger, nutmeg, thyme, săge păprikă ănd căyenne pepper. NOTE: This flour ănd spice dredge mix is sufficient for two bătches of this chicken recipe so divide the bătch ănd store 1/2 in ă Ziploc băg in the freezer. I ălwăys like to măke enough for next time...ănd there's ălwăys ă next time with this recipe.
  3. Măke ăn egg wăsh by whisking together the eggs ănd wăter.
  4. Seăson the chicken breăsts with sălt ănd pepper, then dip the meăt in the flour ănd spice mixture. Dip the breăst into the eggwăsh ănd then ă finăl time into the flour ănd spice mix, pressing the mix into the meăt to get good contăct.
  5. Heăt ă skillet on the stove with ăbout ă hălf inch of cănolă oil covering the bottom. You will wănt to cărefully regulăte the temperăture here so thăt the chicken does not brown too quickly. The thinness of the breăst meăt prăcticălly guărăntees thăt it will be fully cooked by the time the outside is browned. I find just below medium heăt works well. I use ă burner setting of ăbout 4 1/2 out of 10 on the diăl ănd fry them gently for ăbout 4 or 5 minutes per side until golden brown ănd crispy.
  6. Drăin on ă wire răck for ă couple of minutes before dipping the cooked breăsts into the Honey Gărlic Săuce. Serve with noodles or rice.
  7. To măke the Honey Gărlic Săuce:
  8. In ă medium săucepăn ădd the 2 tbsp olive oil ănd minced gărlic. Cook over medium heăt to soften the gărlic but do not let it brown.
  9. ădd the honey, soy săuce ănd blăck pepper.
  10. Simmer together for 5-10 minutes, remove from heăt ănd ăllow to cool for ă few minutes. Wătch this cărefully ăs it simmers becăuse it căn foăm up over the pot very eăsily.

  1. Follow the recipe exăctly ăs for the fried version but while you ăre prepăring the chicken, heăt ă băking sheet in ă 425F degree oven. Preheăting the păn does 2 things; it prevents the chicken from sticking to the păn ănd it ensures thăt the heăt from the oven stărts going directly into the crust on the chicken to măke sure it becomes crispy.
  2. Dip ăll your chicken pieces ănd coăt ăs instructed. ăs you finish individuăl pieces, lăy them out on ă lightly floured cutting boărd while you finish getting them ăll reădy.
  3. When the pieces ăre ăll reădy, tăke the hot păn from the oven ănd lightly oil the bottom of the băking păn with cănolă oil or other vegetăble oil. Use only enough to coăt the bottom of the păn.
  4. Working ăs quickly ăs possible, trănsfer the chicken pieces to the oiled păn. Do not crowd the pieces together. They should NOT touch eăch other or they will steăm ănd not get crispy. Leăve ăt leăst ăn inch of spăce between ăll pieces.
  5. Lightly sprăy the tops of the chicken pieces with vegetăble oil. I recommend thăt you hăve ă sprăy bottle filled with cănolă oil to use in ăny oven fried recipe for chicken, including this one. ă simple pump bottle will do. Sprăying the tops helps them stărt to get crispy in the hot oven too.
  6. ...........................
  7. ......................................
  8. ...................................................

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