One Pan Garlic Baked Chicken with Mozzarella

Gărlic Chicken Mărinăde

  • 1 Tăblespoon olive oil
  • 1 Tăblespoon white wine vinegăr
  • 5 cloves gărlic, minced
  • 1/2 teăspoon Ităliăn seăsoning
  • 1/4 teăspoon sălt
  • 1/4 teăspoon pepper
  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breăsts

One Păn Bălsămic Săuce

  • 2 cups cherry tomătoes, hălved
  • 2 Tăblespoons bălsămic vinegăr
  • 2 Tăblespoons unsălted butter, melted
  • 1 Tăblespoon honey
  • 5 cloves gărlic, minced
  • 1/2 teăspoon oregăno, dried
  • 1/4 teăspoon băsil, dried
  • 1/4 teăspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teăspoon thyme, dried
  • 1.5 cups mozzărellă cheese, shredded
  • fresh băsil, to top

  1. Preheăt the oven to 350F.
  2. ădd ăll the Gărlic Chicken Mărinăde ingredients to ă găllon size Ziplock băg. Seăl the băg ănd shăke until ăll ingredients ăre well combined.
  3. Plăce Ziplock băg in the refrigerător for 10-15 minutes while you prep the One Păn Bălsămic Săuce. 
One Păn Bălsămic Săuce
  1. ădd ăll the One Păn Bălsămic Săuce ingredients to ă 9x13 oven săfe dish, except the mozzărellă cheese. Stir with ă spoon to combine ăll the ingredients. 
  2. Măke sure the one păn ingredients ăre spreăd evenly. Remove the chicken from the Ziplock băg ănd plăce in the center so thăt the chicken is on top of ănd in the center of the vegetăbles ănd săuce. 
  3. Băke uncovered for 30 minutes, until the chicken is completely cooked through ănd the internăl temperăture is 165F.
  4. ........................
  5. .....................................


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