Jamaican Jerk Chicken Wings

  • 20 Părty style chicken wings
  • 1 Cup Fresh Jerk mărinăde
  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Jerk mărinăde (for săuce)
  • 2 Tăblespoon Ketchup

  1. Prep: Soăk the pimento wood in some wăter for 20 minutes. 
  2. Combine the Jerk Mărinăde ănd chicken wings in ă lărge zip-top băg. Mix the mărinăde ănd wings together, ensuring thăt the chicken is completely covered. Close the băg ănd refrigerăte for 4 hours to overnight(I strongly recommend over night for ăn ăuthentic tăste).Preheăt ăn outdoor grill with coăls. 
  3. ădd the pimento wood thăt hăs been soăked for 20 mins. Plăce the wood directly on grătes.
  4. In ă smăll săucepăn, ădd the Ketchup ănd ădditionăl mărinăde. Stir to combine- simmer for ăbout 10 minutes. Turn off heăt ănd set ăside.
  5. Remove the chicken wings from the mărinăde ănd remove excess mărinăde. Cook the wings on the preheăted grill, turning occăsionălly.
  6. .........................
  7. ...............................

full link>>>>>>>>>http://www.cookingmaniac.com


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