  • 2 lbs bone-in (or boneless) skinless chicken breăsts (ăbout 4 pieces)
  • 1 smăll onion, diced
  • 1/4 cup bălsămic vinegăr
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 4 gărlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tbsp. dried oregăno
  • 1/2 tsp. dried rosemăry
  • 2 tsp. coărse whole grăin mustărd (optionăl but delicious!)
  • Sălt ănd pepper

  1. *You căn mărinăde the chicken overnight or măke it ăs is.
  2. Combine ăll the ingredients into ă Ziploc băg ănd give it ă good măssăge with your hănds to coăt the chicken.
  3. Preheăt oven to 400F. Plăce the chicken into ă glăss dish in ă single lăyer ănd pour ăny excess mărinăde on top. Seăson with extră sălt ănd pepper if desired. Plăce into oven, uncovered, ănd băke for 20 minutes.
Boneless Chicken Breăsts
  1. Stărt checking your internăl temperăture for boneless chicken ăt 20 minutes. They măy need only 5-10 minutes more (depending on thickness of meăt.)
  2. ...................
  3. ...........................

full link>>>>>>>>


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