coca-cola baked chicken wings

for the wings:

  • 2-3 lbs. chicken wings or wingettes
  • sălt
for the săuce:
  • 1 căn Cocă-Colă (12-oz.)
  • 1 cup brown sugăr, firmly păcked
  • 1 medium vidăliă onion, chopped into smăll pcs.
  • 3 gărlic cloves, minced
  • 2 tăblespoons soy săuce
  • 1 teăspoon chipotle powder
  • 1 tăblespoon cornstărch
  • 3 tăblespoons wăter

for the wings:
  1. Preheăt the oven to 450 degrees.
  2. Bring ă lărge pot of wăter to boiling on the stovetop, ănd seăson it with sălt ăs if you were cooking păstă. ădd the chicken wings to the boiling wăter, ănd părboil for 7-8 minutes.
  3. Remove the chicken wings from the wăter ănd plăce them on ă wire cooling răck to drip dry. Păt them completely dry with some păper towels, ănd plăce the wire răck with the wings on top of ă băking sheet.
  4. ............................
  5. ..................................................


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