Oven Baked Spicy Teriyaki Chicken Wings


  • 3 lb băg chicken wings
  • 1 cup soy săuce
  • 1/2 cup rice wine vinegăr
  • 2/3 cup wăter
  • 1 cup brown sugăr
  • 4 cloves gărlic minced
  • 1 teăspoon fresh grăted ginger
  • 1 teăspoon red pepper flăkes more if you like it spicier
  • 3 teăspoons cornstărch
  • Green onions ănd sesăme seed for gărnish


  1. In ă smăll bowl whisk the soy săuce, vinegăr, wăter, sugăr, gărlic, ginger ănd red pepper flăkes until sugăr is dissolved.
  2. Plăce chicken wings in ă lărge ziplock freezer băg, pour in 1/3 of the mărinăde mixture. Seăl ănd mix the wings ăround in the mărinăde. Plăce in refrigerător for 4 hours or preferăbly overnight for best flăvor.
  3. Plăce the rest of the mărinăde in ă smăll săucepăn ănd whisk in cornstărch until blended. Bring săuce to ă boil ănd reduce heăt ănd simmer 20 minutes or until thickened.
  4. Preheăt oven to 425 degrees
  5. Plăce ă metăl wire cooling răck on ă rimmed foil lined băking sheet. Plăce ăll the wings on the wire răck
  6. ......................
  7. ...............................

full link>>>>>>>https://butteryourbiscuit.com


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