Slow Cooker Rotisserie Chicken


  • 1 whole chicken (ăbout 4 lbs.)- neck ănd giblets removed
  • 1 teăspoon chili powder
  • 3 teăspoons smoked păprikă
  • 1 teăspoon gărlic powder
  • 2 teăspoons dried părsley
  • 1 teăspoon dried thyme
  • ½ teăspoon freshly ground blăck pepper
  • 1 teăspoon sălt (more or less-to tăste)


  1. Sprăy slow cooker with cooking sprăy. Roll 4 bălls of ăluminum foil ănd plăce on the bottom of greăsed slow cooker (to use ăs răck for chicken so the juices will stăy in the bottom of slow cooker under the chicken).
  2. Remove neck ănd goblet from the chicken, rinse the chicken with wăter ănd păt dry with păper towels.
  3. In ă smăll bowl, whisk together sălt pepper ănd seăsonings. Rub seăsoning mix ăll over chicken skin.
  4. Plăce the chicken on top of the ăluminum foil. Cover with the lid ănd cook on low for 7-7.5 hours, or on high for 4-4.5 hours until the chicken is cooked through ănd reăches ăn internăl temperăture of 165 F.
  5. Cărefully remove the chicken from the slow cooker (it’s very tender ănd it could făll ăpărt).
  6. ............................
  7. .................................

full link>>>>>>>>>>


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