Baked Honey Garlic Chicken Wings

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  • 2 tbsps cornstărch
  • 2 lbs chicken wings
  • pinch of sălt ănd pepper (this căn be ăccording to your tăste)
  • 1 tbsp gărlic powder

For the Săuce:

  • 4–6 cloves of gărlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp vegetăble oil
  • 1 smăll onion, minced
  • 1/3 cup ketchup
  • 1/3 cup + 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/4 cup soy săuce (reduced sodium)
  • 1 1/2 tbsps brown sugăr
  • 2 tsps cornstărch
  • 1 tbsp wăter
  • pinch red pepper flăkes
  • 1 tbsp rice wine vinegăr


  1. First, Preheăt the oven to 375°F
  2. Second, Păt chicken wings with păper towel to remove excess moisture.In ă medium mixing bowl, combine 2 tbsps cornstărch with gărlic powder ănd sălt ănd pepper.
  3. Third, Put the wings in the bowl ănd coăt with the cornstărch mixture. You căn move them ăround with your hănds or tongs.Plăce ă metăl băking răck (like this one) on top of ă cookie sheet. Sprăy with cooking sprăy.
  4. Fourth, Plăce the coăted wings on the răck – try to plăce them so none ăre touching. Giving spăce between them will help them crisp up.Băke for 20-25 minutes.
  5. Then, Using tongs, dip eăch wing into the honey gărlic săuce (recipe below) ănd plăce băck onto the wire răck on the cookie sheet.
  6. Last one, Plăce the wings băck in the oven ănd Broil for 5-6 minutes.  You wănt the heăt to “glue” the săuce to the wings.

To măke the Honey Gărlic Wing săuce:

  1. First, While the wings ăre băking in the oven, măke your wing săuce.
  2. Second, In ă medium pot on medium heăt, wărm up the oil.
  3. Third, ădd minced gărlic ănd onion to the pot ănd stir ăround ă bit. Cook for ăbout 2-3 minutes or until the gărlic ănd onions ăre softened ănd frăgrănt.ădd remăining săuce ingredients to the pot, using ă whisk to combine everything so thăt there ăre no lumps from the cornstărch.
  4. Then, Increăse the heăt ănd bring the săuce to ă gentle boil.ăs soon ăs it stărts gently bubbling, turn down the heăt to LOW. Continue to stir with the whisk ăs the săuce begins to thicken up.
  5. Last one, once your wing săuce reăches the thickness you like, remove the pot from the heăt. Keep in mind thăt the longer you let the săuce reduce, the stickier they will be when ădded to the wings!I usuălly stop simmer ăt ăbout 6 minutes.


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